Group: Fact Sheet Fusion

Does Fact Sheet Fusion require Lucid?

By Matt

No, Fact Sheet Fusion is a separate stand-alone product and can be used without Lucid. It does however support Lucid’s Media List import/export XML file format, so it can make integrating fact sheets and images into Lucid very easy and quick.

Does Fact Sheet Fusion integrate with Lucid?

By Matt

Yes, Fact Sheet Fusion supports the Lucid Media List import/export XML file format. This means you can export your fact sheets and associated images into your key, along with the Media List file. Within the Lucid Builder you can then import the Media List file. All your fact sheets and images are then automatically attached…

Where’s the save button?

By Matt

There is no save button in the main interface. Saving is done automatically when you move between topic or entities.