Importing content into Fact Sheet Fusion
Fact Sheet Fusion has been designed to get your content to work as soon as possible. There are many ways in which to get your existing data into Fact Sheet Fusion.
Import from version 1 and 2 Fusion databases
If you have existing Fact Sheet Fusion databases (v1 or v2), you can easily import their data via the import option found within the projects dialog. First select the Fusion database you would like to import. Fusion v1 databases should have ‘.fusion’ file extension, while v2 databases will have ‘.fusion2’. The file type will be filtered in the database selection dialog. Once a valid Fusion database has been selected, you can decide to choose from the available topics and entities.
Copy and paste from data sources such as Excel, Word and other text sources
If you already have a list of entities (species or things your fact sheets are about) then you can simply copy and paste them into import dialog or browse for the text file containing them.
Import media via CSV or the file system
If you already have your images organised in an existing spreadsheet or database with meta data such as captions and photographer, then you may be able to export this data as a CSV file which can be imported into the Fact Sheet Fusion media library.
Import HTML, MS Word Documents or Lucid Key data
The Import content (HTML, MS Word or Lucid) option will allow you define a set of rules for each Project Topic that will attempt to match existing content in either HTML or MS Word documents and then import this into the Fact Sheet Fusion project. Each topic can have it’s own set of rules that define what to look for as well as what to exclude. The HTML import option also supports importing of images and their captions.