Can I have my key hosted on Lucidcentral?

Yes, you can have your Lucid key hosted or listed on Lucidcentral at no cost (free).

To facilitate this, please provide us with the following:

  • Title of the key
  • Author(s) details
  • Brief description of the key – no more than one page
  • An image representing the key for the listing
  • Preferred key words for search index
  • Optional – Google Analytics tracking code
  • The key data, preferably in Builder format. This can be shared via a file service such as Dropbox or WeTransfer etc. (Zip the key data and share the download link).

Once the key has been lodged we will give you the URL for your key. You will have the opportunity to check over the listing prior to it being publicly listed.

Please submit these details via a new Support Ticket in the ‘My Account‘ dashboard.