Fact Sheet Fusion v2.0.5.155 released

Fact Sheet Fusion v2.0.5.155 update

A new update to Fact Sheet Fusion (v2.0.5.155) is now available (free to existing v2 licence holders).

This update includes:

New features and enhancements

  • Improved the Content Import dialog – test functions are now based on row selection, rather than each row containing their own set of test buttons. This greatly reduces memory requirements when performing an import across a large number of entities.

  • Added a default ‘Description’ option in the Entity tab of the fact sheets Export dialog. This value will be used if a description isn’t provided on a per entity basis (via Entity Properties). The description field is used to create the description meta tag of the page.

  • Added a new Topic replacement token for the Author, Author Notes, and Description fields.

          Token format: [Topic:<topic name>]

    The topic text used in the token replacement is the plain text version of the HTML topic content. The Topic replacement token can be used in conjunction with other standard replacement tokens. For example, to create a description of the page we could do the following, assuming we had a common name topic.

          [EntityName] ([Topic:Common name]) fact sheet.

    This could produce:

          Musca domestica (housefly) fact sheet

  • Added a new option for the [EntityName] token. If you are dealing with Scientific names for your entity list you can now use the replacement token [EntityName:scientific]. Fact Sheet Fusion will apply automatic scientific name formatting to the entity name label when the token is replaced. E.g. Take the following Entity name ‘Eucalyptus amplifolia subsp. sessiliflora’ the regular token [EntityName] would simply replace with ‘Eucalyptus amplifolia subsp. sessiliflora’ while [EntityName:scientific] would replace with ‘Eucalyptus amplifolia subsp. sessiliflora‘.

  • Added a new entity sort order option for the index page creation. If you are dealing with scientific names as entities and are creating fact sheets for a few or single genera, the index A…Z shortcuts can become superfluous. For example, if you were creating fact sheets for Eucalypts, which have over 800 species all starting with ‘Eucalyptus’. This means only the ‘E’ in the A…Z shortcut menu becomes available leaving the user to scroll through hundreds of species to find what’s of interest. This new option will allow you to sort the Index based on the second text element of the entity name. This will allow for a greater spread of names within the Index A…Z shortcut menu.

  • A new Glossary cross-linking limiter option now allows you to limit the number of times a glossary term is cross-linked within a fact sheet.

  • Enhanced the Entity Filter option. The filter now also searches across alternative names associated with entities.

  • Added a text zoom option to the Code view of the HTML editor. Use Ctrl + + to increase the font size, or Ctrl + – to decrease the font size.

  • Updated the help.


  • Fixed a bug where some entity properties weren’t saving.

  • Fixed a cross-linking issue for glossary terms containing non-alphanumeric characters in certain circumstances.

  • Fixed adding new entities that weren’t positioning correctly in the list (i.e. directly below the currently selected entity), depending on the patch level of the underlying .NET framework.

  • Single fact sheet export option now regenerates the JavaScript Entity array, if selected for export in the main Export Advanced tab.

  • Fixed a paste bug in the Code view of the Glossary HTML editor. Paste was being overridden by the paste glossary terms option.

  • Fix a Subset filter bug for the Entities List.