Weed seed keys

International Seed Morphology Association Seed ID WebsiteA website (https://www.idseed.org/), recently launched by the International Seed Morphology Association, aims to “promote collaboration, knowledge sharing, resource development, and research among those who are interested in seed morphology and seed identification”.

Currently, the site hosts two seed keys, both are Lucid keys and both have been developed for use by biosecurity agencies in particular to prevent the introduction of noxious weeds. One key is to 36 common plant families, where a family identification is needed for an unknown seed or fruit.

International Seed Morphology Association Seed ID Key pageThe other key is to the propagules or fruits of 102 biosecurity-relevant species of the daisy or sunflower family Asteraceae. It was produced by CSIRO scientist Alexander Schmidt-Lebuhn at the Australian National Herbarium (CANB) in collaboration with and through funding from the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources.