Ant keys

Antkey screen shots

Antkey screen shots


Invasive ants form a small and somewhat distinct subset of ants introduced into new environments by humans. A majority of introduced ants remain confined to human-modified habitats and some of these species are often referred to as tramp ants because of their reliance on human-mediated dispersal and close association with humans generally. Although hundreds of ant species have become established outside of their native ranges, most research has concentrated on the biology of only a few species.

Antkey is a community resource for the identification of invasive, introduced and commonly intercepted ant species from across the globe. This Lucid Mobile app includes a key and fact sheets for identifying invasive, introduced, and commonly intercepted ants from across the globe.

Available on Google Play StoreAvailable on Apple iTunes



This Lucid Mobile app has been developed from an original key available on the Antkey website. The site includes a searchable media collection, video clips, a fully illustrated glossary, a searchable database of introduced ant literature, and more.

Another ant key, PIAkey – Invasive Ants of the Pacific Islands, is an electronic guide designed to assist users to identify invasive ant species commonly encountered in the Pacific Island region. The guide covers four subfamilies, 20 genera and 44 species, and includes a key, fact sheets, videos, comparison charts, and a glossary.